Sunday, March 9, 2008

Computer Innovations

From stone age to technology advancements, that is what we have now!. Technology is coming for us and we can not anticipate it. The question I would like to raise is that, how does computers affect our lives. Let us imagine ourselves in a place where there are no gadgets and no useful technologies, We might probably throwing stones to other people just to call their names, in a business, without any automation we might probably still have a bunch of paper works and a large amount of human errors. In an ordinary children who unfortunately does not have feet to go to school, most probably he will be left out, and there are a lot more. Computers are very important in one s life it is not classified as want but rather a necessity for todays fast pace technology. As time pass by, computers are getting even smarter than the one s who created them. It can perform multiple operations that could help people depending on area of usage. It is already becoming a humans best friend, of course nothing will beat the dogs!, but seriously, one of the major functions of computer is that, it can calculate billions of numbers prior to its mathematical operations in just a blink of an eye. Whatever the profession of a certain user is, may it be accountants, doctors, lawyers or businessman, and etc. computers is always at use.
There are lots of ways on how computers provide the basic help for human kind. To site a few example, we have already gone to the ways on how computers will help large businesses, from an old and manual business process, we had the idea to change it to an automated business operations, like for example the well-knowned company and the most largest manufacturing industry in Asia, the San Miguel Corporation, the San Miguel I.T. Group lately develop a system that would automate the business process of every distributors all over the Philippines, and it is what they called the, Distributors Informations System, with the help of this automation they were able to solve the problem regarding the loss of the products, the unpaid bills of some clients of a certain distributors, and they were able to monitor the load-in and the load-outs of their products. It is indeed a very big help for most large companies to have this kind of technology advancements. Another edge of computers is that we already have the video conference, if the boss of a particular company has a meeting with his co-partners and he like for example wont be able to make it to the meeting place, what he can do instead of losing a lot of opportunities for that said meeting is that he can just turn on his computer and go for video conferencing, in that way even if he is not present to the actual meeting he will still be able to participate on the the event. And that are only some useful strengths on what computers can do to our lives.
Although we have the benefits of computers, we shouldn t abuse it, use of computers does require ethics also, and we should bear in mind that computers is still a machine that is operated by human kind and not the other way around. Computers can also be one way to indulge in sinful acts, so we need to be responsible enough to develop our own ethics.

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