Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Virus Strains

What we need is the Dewey Decimal System to go digital ...
Specifically, someone has to coax maintenance for putting them into some logical order on the manner in which computer viruses are sorted.
Recently, warnings abounded on the Kama Sutra virus to proliferate rapidly cyberspace, joining the Grew.A and Nyxem.E as serious threats to the security of computer files. However, only those who took a closer look at these strains were able to discover that they all had something in common.
They were virtually the same virus.
There is uniformity in the library world when it comes to catalogging the millions of books contained therein, thanks to Dewey. The weather service managers do their bit for personnification breathing a little charm in that infamous tropical storms towards the allocation of names in alphabetical order each year. They key to both of these facts is that someone devised half universal identification of something that assists the general public to cope with it.
The time is fast approaching when someone needs to step forward and put some order in the world villainous computer infections.
New viruses emerge so suddenly and spread so quickly that those whose job is to find and destroy them have little time to muse over what to name them. With Lady Sutra, for example, destroy its file program appears to be spreading junk e-mail enticements to visit porn sites. The story ran with the media this topic and gave him a title-grabbing handle; Kama Sutra, of course, is the legendary lovemaking compiled a guide to classify the creativity of ancient Hindu hedonism.
Geeks, however, have their own perspective when they put a spin on things. As banks need stately names, spyware apparently has to carry Matrix-like titles to make them appear darker, more foreboding and a worthy challenge. After all, who among them will want to cancel the Kama Sutra? Is not confirm that the geek image as a cyber-eunuch?
Thus, titles like Grew.A and Nyxem.E was coined to see much more imposing and in need of professional help to eradicate.
F-Secure is a Finnish fighter viruses and widely acclaimed as one of the best of its kind in the market. His stature is such that when the identification of an intrusive program, warning others and accept the name you give. In this case, F-Secure saw the program code-sharing with the techniques and cetain file destroy predecessors, by what happened with & 39; Nyxem.E & 39;, derived from the acronym for the New York Exchange Mercentile, whose site is intended for the initial culprit.
Other sellers noted that this program destroyed files instead of overloading Web sites with fake traffic. Using a logic known only to one of the gnomes in the backroom of his employment, this meant that & 39; Grew.A & 39; was the most appropriate description. I can only think that asking for a clarification that the decision may cause most of us as much of a headache, like trying to remove the program after it has come to our computers.
Anyway, in these difficult times of terrorism alerts, if nobody else is ready to tackle the task of classifying viruses, elevators rock-and cobweb sweepers in the U.S. the Department of Homeland Security are willing to step into the fray. They have devised a system of names of the virus across the enumeration common malware, or CME. Outbreaks are assigned a random number, which in this case proved & 39; 24 & 39;.
We & 39; ll see if such a system captures the imagination of the public.
This is an important point, because if a unified command virus identification system to be effective, must immediately raise a general awareness so that the virus can be spread & 39; better shape.
If nothing else, & 39; Kama Sutra & 39; generated enough clicks quickly spread the word that a cyber-invader was to merodear by. Once designated as such, a program that had been circulating for weeks but began to destroy files only on the third day of each month, finally came to public attention. This gave vendors time to update their products and warn customers.
Incidentally, this strain is known to corrupt documents using the most common file types, including & 39;. Doc & 39;, & 39;. Pdf & 39; and & 39;. Zip & 39;. It affects most versions of Microsoft& 39;s Windows operating system, which caused the most widely heard warning of the problem.
Given the recent full of animosity against monopolies demand brought by the U.S. government against the software giant, makes it seem like their efforts to raise awareness of this virus has been necessary for becoming the proverbial strange bedfellows.
It the only fitting that something called Kama Sutra will be common. It is inevitable that are in this position. The task now is for them --- --- and everyone else to agree on what to call it.

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